In dogs, Parvovirus should be suspected whenever puppies are presented with lethargy, vomiting, &/or loose stools especially if there is blood in the stool (a hemorrhagic enteritis). Puppies 6 to 16 weeks of age are the most susceptible. This is due to the fact that puppies younger than this are usually protected by maternal antibodies they received in the mother’s milk (colostrum). Older dogs have acquired immunity from vaccination or previous exposure and may not show significant clinical illness if they do become infected. Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, and English Springer Spaniels seem to be at greater risk for severe disease, but we see this devastating disease an all species of dogs.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Canine Pancreatitis Treatment

Canine pancreatitis treatment generally involves use of fluid therapy, painkillers, and antibiotics (if needed). To know more about treatment for canine pancreatitis, read on...
Canine pancreatitis is a gastrointestinal disorder that causes inflammation of the pancreas (part of a digestive system). In this condition, the pancreas, that release certain enzymes for proper digestion of food, no longer functions normally. As a result, the digestion process is severely hampered. This condition, that is accompanied by abdominal pain and vomiting, is generally seen in obese and overweight dogs. Read more on canine pancreatitis: symptoms of pancreatitis in dogs.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Canine Lymphoma Symptoms: How to Recognise Canine Lymphoma
Knowing canine lymphoma symptoms is the first step to diagnosing the lymphom in dogs. Early treatment is necessary for canine lymphoma as untreated dogs can live 4-6 weeks only. Discover how immune system adjunct therapy can help in the treatment of canine lymphoma.
Canine lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects lymphocytes in dogs. As lymphocystes are part of the immune system, lymphoma can be present in many parts of a dog's body. These areas include the spleen, liver, bone marrow, lymph nodes, eyes, skin, liver and gastrointestinal tract.
The cause of canine lymphoma is not known. Several possible causes include genetic or environmental factors. Canine lymphoma is particularly prevalent in certain breeds such as Golden Retrievers, Basset Hounds, Boxers, Bulldogs, German Shepherds and Poodles. Middle aged dogs are more susceptible to developing canine lymphoma.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Canine Lymphoma Symptoms

Canine lymphoma is common in dogs and its symptoms differ according to the affected area. This article explains about canine lymphoma symptoms and its treatment. Read on...
Canine lymphoma is mostly observed in middle-aged golden retrievers. This is a type of dog cancer and its cause is not known. Before taking a look at the canine lymphoma symptoms, let's first know a little about the stages of lymphoma in canines.
Stages of Canine Lymphoma
There are different grades of this disease depending on the location of the affected area. There are mainly four location types, namely: multicentric, mediastinal, gastrointestinal and extranodal. Most of the times, dogs suffer from multicentric lymphoma, wherein the liver, bone marrow or the spleen are affected. While, in mediastinal lymphoma, the thorax and thymus of the dog are affected. As the name suggests, gastrointestinal lymphoma affects the dog's stomach and intestines. Kidneys, central nervous system, heart or eye may be affected due to extranodal lymphoma.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Canine Health: Helping Your Older Dog Get Over Eating Issues

I have a 15 year old Rottweiler-Shepard mix that is just beginning to start showing her age. The most significant symptom has been a loss of appetite that requires me to coax her a bit to get her to eat anything, which is unusual considering that she was a very good eater throughout the 10 years that I have had her. It can be difficult to make sure she is eating regularly enough for the medications that she needs to take, and of course there are concerns about the amount of nutrition she is getting.
From this experience I have learned a few things:
- Feeding Tips
1 - Appetite levels will vary throughout the day, with my dog's appetite level being at its lowest in the AM. I still offer food in the morning just in case, but I don't worry if she isn't motivated to eat anything. If she doesn't eat, she generally makes up for it with a healthier appetite for her evening meal.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Candida Diet - Tips for Sticking with It

Helpful tips for making it easier to stick to with the Candida diet.
The Candida Diet is one of the most challenging diets there is to adhere to. It is extremely rigid, limiting and bland to the senses and doesn't allow for much variety or flexibility. So much so that many people feel utterly deprived when trying to follow it. No matter how you look at it, that is the truth of the matter. There's just no way around it and really no way to soften the blow.
One of the biggest challenges of this diet is the fact that Candida itself creates overwhelming cravings for sugar and refined carbohydrates. It's not uncommon for those following the anti-candida diet to engage in frequent cheating or completely fall off the wagon and go on a sugar/carbohydrate binge.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Candida Cleanse Diet

Candida cleanse diet, or simply the Candida diet, is essential to prevent Candidiasis. Read on to know more on Candida cleanse and Candida diet plan.
Candida, or the Candida albicans fungus, is a type of fungus found in all normal human beings. However, its overgrowth results in an infection known as Candidiasis. Sometimes, the infection is very mild and not noticeable, but sometimes it can be quite painful. Candida infection is found in the mouth or in the genital region. Birth control pills, excessive consumption of antibiotics and sugar, and transmission during sexual intercourse with an infected partner are the major causes of Candida overgrowth. Candida cleansing is essential to prevent Candida yeast overgrowth, and that is possible just by following a Candida cleanse diet.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Benefits of Buying A Pre Owned Vehicle
There are several benefits to purchasing a Pre-Owned vehicle, as opposed to buying a brand new vehicle. In the current economy, used vehicles are selling more than ever, while providing stable comfort to get individuals and families from Point A to Point B.Price - It is most often called 'sticker-shock' when a person views the price of a brand new vehicle on the sales lot. Buying a new car is most definitely more expensive than purchasing the same vehicle in used condition. The price will not only be lower, as with respects to the actual cost of the vehicle, but the insurance cost for a used vehicle is most always less expensive for a used vehicle. Depending on state, registration for the purchase of a used car is also less expensive than that of a new vehicle.Depreciation - When a new car leaves a sales lot, it is said to lose fifteen percent of its sales value, immediately. By year two of owning your new vehicle, the depreciation is said to double to thirty percent. The first owner of a new car will take the largest drop in vehicle depreciation. However, in reference to a used vehicle, this is the exact opposite. The first owner of a used vehicle will face the least amount of vehicle depreciation.Pre-Owned Certification Programs - There are several benefits to purchasing a used vehicle that is certified. This certification process started with luxury brands such as Mercedes. Now, most all manufacturers adhere to these programs. Some of the benefits of a certified used vehicle include:* Certified vehicles will go through a very thorough process of inspection. This inspection process goes beyond making sure everything works under warranty. This inspection will extend into that of what may or may not work in the near future.* Certified vehicles will only receive their certification with considerations of low mileage, and with little to no damage history.* When financing a used vehicle, it is often the case that lower interest rates will apply for certified pre-owned vehicles. When taking out a loan, every penny counts, and this discount can be substantial.* Warranties apply to most certified used vehicles, that will extend beyond that of the vehicle's basic warranty. It may include benefits such as: roadside assistance, engine repair, etc. This can also be inclusive with the warranty that may still remain on the vehicle.Cost to Repair - As a vehicle's year of creation passes, the parts become more available to the average body shop. Should it be the case that your used vehicle needs repair, the parts will become less expensive and more available with time. When new vehicles are produced, extra parts are not a priority for a manufacturer. It is often difficult to harbor repairs that are not included in a new vehicle warranty, and if a warranty applies, it may take awhile before the parts can be delivered from the manufacturer. This also ties into the lowered price of insurance. Should your vehicle be damaged, insurance companies are aware of the above facts. As the price to repair your used vehicle will cost less, your insurance price will reflect this.In a tough economy, used cars are becoming more and more popular. Their reliability to families and cost to the individual will continue to be beneficial.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Candida Bacteria and The Impact of Exercise

Learn about candida yeast infections and the impact of swimming and other exercises.
Whether you have a vaginal yeast infection, a problem with oral thrush or a general feeling of malaise due to a suspected overgrowth of candida albicans, you can benefit from the knowledge of natural ways to fight candida.
Many things do positive things for your body and in terms of yeast infection; swimming might be thought of as a gray area. While we know exercise is something that can help fight candida and that being sedentary can help them thrive, you might be wondering about yeast and swimming and specifically swimming in a public or chlorinated pool. This article addresses that issue.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Candida Albicans Fungus

A candid take on Candida Albicans fungus is the subject of this article. Candida Albicans infections are a rampant problem all over the world. Read on to get informed about Candida Albicans fungus.
Candida Albicans fungus is a resident parasite present in the gut of 80% of human population around the world. It is one of the several parasites that colonize the human intestine. Still, its relationships with humans is described as commensal, that is it benefits from human intestinal abode without damaging host's interests, most of the time. That is, its like a good tenant of the intestine, for most of the time. It has found its evolutionary niche in human intestine, which helps it survive. However, it can and does cause problems at times and then we must deal with it.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Cancerous Moles: Signs and Symptoms
Cancerous moles are types of skin tumors which can prove to be fatal if not treated in time. The following article talks about the cancerous moles symptoms and the ways to detect them.
Moles on skin appear in an early age or early years of adulthood. All moles are not cancerous but some of them can become cancerous after a period of time. People who get skin moles in adulthood should be more careful as it is a little unusual to get moles in that age and that might lead to melanoma skin cancer (serious kind of skin cancer or tumor). Thus, it is necessary to keep a check on cancerous moles symptoms on a regular basis.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Cancerous Moles on Dogs

A mole on the skin of your dog can be normal or it can be a type of skin cancer. The information embedded in the article will help you in differentiating the cancerous moles on dogs from the normal ones. So, keep reading to take care of your canine friend in a better manner.
All organisms' body are made up of cells that grow, divide and die in a more or less predictable manner. An animal's body is made up of billions of such cells. Their growth, function, division and multiplication is controlled by the genes present in their nucleus. Certain structural changes may occur in these genes controlling cell division and multiplication, and can eventually result in an uncontrolled division of cells called cancer. All multicellular organisms, including dogs, are at a risk of developing cancer. Skin cancer in dogs are generally indicated by the presence of hard lumps or cancerous moles. Let's learn about the cancerous moles on dogs in brief.