There is a growing trend of using acupressure points to induce labor. Although acupressure has been around for many years, it is now that people are taking to it, for it is a safer method to induce labor.
The acupressure technique is derived from acupuncture and pressure. It is an alternative therapy, where physical pressure is applied to various pressure points located in different parts of the body. The pressure can be applied by either using the fingers and elbow, or other devices. Both acupuncture and acupressure are a part of traditional Chinese medicine. Apart from its use for treating a number of health issues, acupressure is also used for inducing labor. There are certain acupressure points to induce labor, which are used. Scroll down to know which are the maternity acupressure points to induce labor.
Where are the Acupressure Points to Induce Labor Located?
If the woman has gone past her due date, acupressure to induce labor is a method, which can be used. Pressure will have to be applied using fingers and thumbs on the specific pregnancy acupressure points to induce labor. Maternity acupressure is a natural way to induce labor, which helps to ripen and dilate the cervix. One can make use of acupressure to induce labor at home, as it's safe both for the mother as well as the child.
The question arises, when should acupressure be used? There are three situations in which acupressure points can be used to induce labor. If the woman has long passed her due date, then the acupressure points to induce labor should be used. If the woman is in labor, but the contractions are not as strong as they are expected to be, then acupressure points can be used. Inducing labor using acupressure is alright when the amniotic fluid is broken before the start of active labor. However, it is important to remember, that acupressure should not be used, before the completion of all stages of pregnancy.
In the acupressure points chart this point is the easiest to find, as it is located between the webbing of the thumb and the index finger. The location of this point is at the juncture of the thumb and index finger bones. Start with applying gentle pressure on the point. Rubbing the said point for a few minutes will stimulate contractions. There is another benefit of rubbing the Hoku point. If it is rubbed when the woman is in labor, it will help in easing the labor pain and have an easy childbirth.
Bladder 32
This pressure point is located exactly between the buttocks and the depression in the spine in the lower back area. To be more specific the point is located about the the length of the width of the mother’s fingers, above the top of the crease of the buttocks. The point, where you can feel the depression is the Bladder 32 point. Like the Hoku point, this point should also be pressed for a couple of minutes, which will help to start labor.
BL 60
Another acupressure point to induce labor, which is easy to locate. It is is located between the Achilles tendon and the ankle bone. This point is used more often, if the baby has not dropped down into the pelvis, as it should ideally have been. Rub or press the point for a few minutes, which will help the baby to come into the pelvis and start off labor.
Spleen 6
This point is also located in the ankle region. Locate this point by placing your four fingers above the ankle bone on the inside of the ankle. Applying pressure to this point helps to ripen the cervix. If the contractions have started but are weak, using this point helps to strengthen the contractions.
When you are using the acupressure points to induce labor, the points should be pressed gently. While rubbing the points make sure you use a circular motion. When the pressure is been applied to the said point, the point should feel tender or sore, but definitely not painful. When the contractions start wait for sometime to see the exact condition. If required pressure can be applied to the said point again. At a single time, do not have more than six cycles. If applying pressure becomes painful reduce the pressure on the points.
Note: Do not use the acupressure points to induce labor without consulting your obstetrician and gynecologist or the mid wife. They will be in a better position to tell you, which are the best points in your case.
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