Are you in search of some easy methods to make bleach for hair at home? If yes, then you have come to the right page, as here you will find some simple methods of preparing bleach at home. Thus, let us get on to answer the question, how to make bleach for hair.
Many of us like to experiment with our hair. The major reason is that one often gets bored with the same color and pattern of the hair and so think of experimenting. And there are so many different shades of hair color available, then why should one stick to the same hair color throughout life! Besides hair colors, bleach is one of the most popular ways to highlight the hair. Bleach is not only used for hair, it is also used for the body. Sometimes when the body gets tanned, people opt for bleach, or even when there is excessive hair on the face, bleach is a good option. However great care should be taken while using homemade bleach for hair or any body part, as chemicals like hydrogen peroxide are used in the bleach, which can burn the hair, if not done in the right way. Also remember, by bleaching your hair, you will lose the natural color, so think twice if you want to do it, you can opt for some hair color, which is about the same shade as the bleach. Following are some bleach hair color for you, which will help you to lighten the tone of your hair, as per your choice. Read more on hair bleaching.
Bleach Hair Color
Homemade Bleach for Hair #1
One of the easiest ways to make bleach at home is to use a lemon. Simply apply 1 cup of lemon juice to your hair. Do not just pour the juice, work it through your hair. When you are done with the application, have a sunbath for 15 - 30 minutes! If you cannot tolerate half an hour sun, sit in the sun only till your hair is completely dry. If you do not wish to bleach the entire hair, use a comb to highlight only the specific areas of the hair. Sun exposure is necessary for highlights also. Read more on how to bleach hair.
Homemade Bleach for Hair #2
One should use natural bleach for hair instead of chemical substances, as they tend to harm the body in some or the other way. This method for bleaching hair also includes a natural product, Rhubarb. Many of you must have enjoyed delicious Rhubarb dishes, but have you tried it to bleach your hair? Well, for making bleach out of Rhubarb, you will have to cut the leaves of the plant, you only need the Rhubarb stem. Wash and then dice the stem. Put in a small saucepan and add 3 cups of boiling water to it. Let sit for 15 minutes and then drain the water, do not throw it. Pour the Rhubarb juice in a small spray bottle and apply it to the hair. Now like the earlier method, go and enjoy the heat of the sun to help the juice lighten the hair! Read more on bleaching black hair.
Homemade Bleach for Hair #3
This is another easy and natural way for bleaching hair at home. Pour two cups of water in a container and heat the water at high heat. When the water starts boiling, add 2 bags of chamomile tea, if you do not have tea bags. You can also add ј cup of chamomile flowers. Remove from heat and let cool. When the mixture cools, remove the flowers and add in 1 cup of lemon juice to the water. Stir and pour into a spray bottle and apply to the hair. Let dry. Read more on hair bleaching ideas.
Homemade Bleach for Body Hair #4
If you wish to bleach your face, make use of this method. First mix 1 tbsp honey, juice of 1 lemon and 1 tsp powdered milk, in a bowl. Add thoroughly and then heat the mixture in the microwave for about 10 seconds. Apply the bleach to the face and neck areas when it cools. Leave the bleach on the face for about 20 minutes and then rinse off. Read more on hair care.
This was all about bleach hair color. You can try all of the above methods and then decide the best bleach for hair yourself. You can use natural bleach all by yourself, but if you wish to use peroxide or any other chemical powder bleach for hair, you should take the help of a hair expert.
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