Coronary heart disease is known to affect nearly 14 million men and women in the United Sates of America annually. It is also believed to be a major cause for death, and disabilities like full or partial paralysis. To understand the different causes of coronary heart disease, read on...
Coronary heart disease, also known as coronary artery disease, occurs when plaque builds up inside the blood vessels like arteries and veins. These blood vessels carry oxygen rich blood and other nutrients to the heart muscles. Plaque is a hardened tissue, which is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood stream. The condition of plaque build up in the arteries is called as atherosclerosis. Here the plaque narrows or blocks the blood vessels, hence the heart does not get enough blood, and has to strain itself to pump it. There are many causes of coronary heart disease, some of which are listed below.
Different Causes of Coronary Heart Disease
Restricted blood flow causes chest pain, whereas a completely blocked flow, may lead to a heart attack or a sudden cardiac arrest. It is imperative to understand what causes coronary heart disease, to take timely preventative measures to lead a healthy life.
Heredity: Genetic transmission from parent to child is believed to be one of the leading causes for coronary heart disease.
High Blood Pressure: When the cardiovascular system rapidly raises the blood pressure by circulating blood on the walls of the veins and arteries forcefully, it causes high blood pressure, also known as hypertension.
High Cholesterol: Cholesterol, a waxy, fatty substance, is naturally present in the body. Too much cholesterol in the bloodstream causes the excess to be deposited in the walls of the coronary arteries, thus narrows and blocks them.
Tobacco: When nicotine present in tobacco enters the blood stream, it results in narrowing of the blood vessels. As the blood flow constricts, and the heart applies more pressure to pump blood. This constant stress on the heart, often results in strokes. Smoking cigarettes or pipe, and chewing tobacco can cause a lot of harm to the heart.
Diabetes: Diabetes occurs when the body cannot regulate the amount of glucose in the blood, and as this glucose cannot move into cells, it stays back in the blood, causing a build-up of unused glucose. Diabetes is known to accelerate arterial fatty plaque formation, resulting in blockages.
Obesity: Obesity is a metabolic disorder, where excess fat accumulates in the body, that is known to raise blood cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and blood pressure levels. Obesity is a long-term disease, and it has many serious consequences such as coronary heart disease.
Stress: Stress does not directly cause coronary heart disease, but is known to accelerate constriction of the blood vessels and cause a rise in blood pressure and heart rate. As more blood is pumped through blocked arteries, it stresses the heart. When stress is long term, it damages the coronary arteries.
Diet and Exercise: A diet high in fats, and low in fiber increases the risk of plaque build-up in the coronary arteries. A good, healthy, low fat diet will help combat many causes of coronary heart disease, by ensuring smooth flow of blood to the heart for its functions. No physical activity, builds up fat in the body, leading to obesity and its associated problems. A regular exercise plan will not only help one fight obesity and diabetes, but also lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
More women than men suffer from coronary heart disease. However, in women, it does effect after menopause, as until menopause, women are protected by high levels of estrogen. As coronary heart disease has become a reason for many deaths, it is a cause for grave concern. Simple lifestyle changes will go a long way in combating the causes of coronary heart disease.
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