Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Parkinsons Disease and The Prescribed Drugs

Hyoscine is a natural plant product, helpful against tremor and to a lesser extent against rigidity. It causes considerable dryness of the mouth and blurring of vision. Benadryl, an antihistamine, is frequently employed for the control of tremor. It is a safe drug to use, except that patients who experience marked drowsiness must not employ it while driving a car.

Since the tremor of Parkinson's disease becomes greatly aggravated by embarrassment, nervousness and excitement, especially when in the presence of strangers, various tranquilizing drugsprove helpful to some patients as a temporary alleviant. They are more effective when not used too often and preferably in small doses, since they can cause mental fogginess and drowsiness. Alcohol if used in small amount helps to alleviate excitement and tremor in some patients, hence should not be prohibited where it proves useful.

For patients that suffer from insomnia, there is a wide assortment of remedies. The doctor will usually find the remedy that will best serve the needs and tolerance of the patient.

Swelling of the ankles is a frequent occurrence among the very rigid and frozen Parkinson patients, especially those who spend many hours of the day sitting, which leads water to gravitate down to the ankles. A number of very effective drugs are available for swelling or edema of the legs and ankles.

For patients who suffer from marked slowness of movement, sluggishness, fatigue, depression, inactivity and drowsiness by day, and who fail to respond to previously mentioned drugs, there is a wide assortment of stimulants available. Various amphetamine stimulants prove helpful to some patients, and yet in other patients they tend to produce cardiac excitation, palpitations, and shortness of breath and have to be discontinued or used in very small amount. Thyroid in small dosage two or three times a day provides the extra energy that some patients require, although in some it tends :0 aggravate tremor and leads to over­excitement.

Vitamins are needed for patients who are undernourished or have difficulty in swallowing, hence give on erratic diets. Sometimes injections of B-12 prove helpful, also liver injections. However, people should not be gullible about reports of "miracle injections" or "miracle cures." Some patients, desperate for something new and different, turn to exotic drugs and treatments, not realizing that the most effective medications are well known to doctors.

The most common side reactions from the use of drugs for Parkinson's disease are dryness of the mouth and throat, blurring of vision, nausea and indigestion, and constipation. Mild forms of dryness of the mouth can be counteracted by sips of water, or the use of hard candies or chewing gum. However, instances of dryness that are severe enough to interfere with swallowing of food and with speech should be called to the attention of the doctor for changes in medication. Blurred vision is corrected by changes in the lens of the glasses to render reading easier, since Parkinson remedies blur only close vision.

Indigestion and nausea caused by pills can often be prevented by swallowing them with milk or buttermilk instead of water. Patients who gag and have difficulty in swallowing large pills and capsules will find it easier to do so if the capsule is pressed into the bottom of a teaspoon of applesauce or Jello. Vomiting is never caused by the standard drugs for Parkinson's disease and should it occur, all drugs are to be stopped and the doctor called. Parkinson remedies do not cause bladder retention, but they may slow the urinary stream among the male patients who have enlarged and obstructing prostate glands. Constipation can be aggravated by the above remedies, but rarely constitutes a serious problem.

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